2013-03-02-New York, NY-9/11 Memorial by ThomasCarroll235
ThomasCarroll235's Gallery ThomasCarroll235's Gallery
  1. ThomasCarroll235's Gallery
  2. 2013-03-02-New York, NY-9/11 Memorial2013-03-02-New York, NY-9/11 Memorial
On Saturday morning 3/2/13 Georgia and I drove to NYC from Cohasset for Chris' birthday party that evening. We left early so that we could use the late morning/early afternoon to visit the September 11 Memorial in lower Manhattan. A grerat deal of construction is still underway in the area, including the still unfinished World Trade Center tower which will be the tallest building in the US once finished. While impressive, it lacks the sheer volume and "presence" of the original twin towers, which were not as tall but seemed to be. The memorial itself was sublime and sobering, very well conceived and sensitively executed. While the memorial's surroundings are still largely under construction, once the redevelopment of the area is completed, the memorial will be the centerpiece of an American and New York showcase and a reminder of the unimaginable tragedy that will forever scar our nation.

St Paul's Churchyard, lower Manhattan

Capture Date: Mar 2, 2013 03:03 PMViews: 32

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