2015-09-04-Paris, FR-The Louvre and Palais Royal
ThomasCarroll235's Gallery ThomasCarroll235's Gallery
  1. ThomasCarroll235's Gallery
  2. 2015-09-04-Paris, FR-The Louvre and Palais Royal2015-09-04-Paris, FR-The Louvre and Palais Royal
After our early morning visits to the Place de la Concorde and The Tuleries Gardens we blitzkrieged the Louvre, the largest and most visited art museum in the world, with almost 10 million visitors annually. One could spend several days exploring this world treasure but, limited by time constraints, we moved through quickly and during our two hours there focused on a few of the Museum's most famous treasures, including the Venus de Milo, Mona Lisa and Winged Victory. After leaving the Louvre we passed an Azerbaijani cultural exhibit on the way to the nearby Palais Royal and its beautiful gardens.

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Georgia checks her guide book-Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

Palais Royal Gardens

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