2015-09-08-Richelieu, FR
ThomasCarroll235's Gallery ThomasCarroll235's Gallery
  1. ThomasCarroll235's Gallery
  2. 2015-09-08-Richelieu, FR2015-09-08-Richelieu, FR
Our journey to Bordeaux, and our ship, continued today. We left Amboise on the bus at 9 AM and at 10:30 AM we stopped for a couple of hours in the town of Richelieu, a quaint 17th century town re-made in a grid pattern by Cardinal Richelieu, a prince of the church and King Louis XIII's Chief Minister in the first half of the 1600s. The town is enclosed by a wall with four handsome gates, a fine church, a covered market, a beautiful park and a wonderful little bakery where we bought "chuquettes", a light, airy pastery introduced to us by Guillaume, our tour director. In the Catholic church in the main square was a marble memorial with the names of 58 French soldiers from the parish who perished during WW I. For a town with a population of only 2,000 the loss of so many young men had to be a stunning catastrophe. By contrast, an adjacent marble plaque memorialized only three WW II KIA from the parish, the lower count no doubt attributable to the speed of France's capitulation under the shock of the German blitzkrieg.

Richelieu's magnificent park, once the grounds of the Cardinal's palace

Sadly, the palace, like so many of France's architectural and cultural treaures, was destroyed during the wanton excesses of the French Revolution.

Park Richelieu

View back toward the main gate from the park's main path

Park Richelieu

Park Richelieu

Park Richelieu

A cutout of the Cardinal

Our merry band of travelers in Richelieu

Our merry band of travelers in Richelieu

His Eminence

Au revoior, Richelieu

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